Much to hubby's chagrin, I'm cranking up for Christmas. You'd think after 24 years (19 of them married) he'd be used to it. But no, just because I've switched to listening to all Christmas music, and since his office is next to mine and he's forced to listen to it, too, he's been a teensy bit cranky.
Over the weekend I bought two more Christmas CDs. One was a dud. The other is Relaxing Christmas Piano (which I couldn't find a picture for).. Very mellow. I like it. (Even hubby liked it! YES!)
Yesterday while I was folding laundry, I had on Patrick Stewart's A Christmas Carol, which is absolutely wonderful.
Listening to Dickens' Christmas tale reminded me that I haven't really started my Christmas shopping, although I do have a few things squirreled away. It's time to empty the Christmas Club account and start the serious shopping. And I have to start baking, too. And cleaning. And decorating. And the outside lights. The tree goes up this weekend.
Talk about the Christmas rush. How did I ever do all this stuff while I was working full time?