I haven't been on a REAL vacation in almost three years. That's when we last went to Maine. (Ahhh...I love Maine. I love just about everything about it.) Oh, I've had a few days away from home--here and there--and in places within driving distance. But a day here and there isn't a real vacation. And I don't foresee any real vacation in the near future, either.
When I was a kid, I had a Viewmaster with a reel titled: "Where In The World Do You Want To Go?"
My answer today: Cape Cod. Nantucket. Martha's Vineyard--and preferably off-season. (I hate crowds.) Of course, right now wouldn't be my first choice. Maybe May or September?
I have several beautiful coffee table books (Thanks, Mom!) on these places. I take them out every so often and salivate over the pictures. Hubby says it's too expensive to go to these tourist traps. (Hence, another good reason for going off-season.) But, I WANT TO GO!
I wouldn't mind combining New England the trip with a cruise. It turns out there are very small cruise ships that make that run and accommodate a tiny crew and 30-60 passengers. You get to see all the sights, and get your meals (clams, lobster and fresh fish) and lodging for one price. The only problem being that the price is something like $5,000 per person. Um, that's a little out of my price range.
A much cheaper cruise in the Caribbean has no appeal for me. The ships are far too big, you have to fly to Florida (and I HATE flying), and who wants to catch Norovirus? Mr. Ivy isn't the least bit interested in being ship-bound for even a day. Says he'd be BORED. So it's not likely I'll get to make this trip any time soon.
(To be fair...Mr. Ivy wants to go to Australia...and I'm just too chicken sh*t to fly...let alone fly to Australia.)
Still, I can dream about visiting these locales on the Eastern Seaboard. And maybe I reread a couple of books by Anne Rivers Siddons. If you can't go in person, you mayas well go via the magic of a book, right?
Where in the world are you going on vacation this year?