In the meantime, I have them sitting on top of the dresser. I love this room because it faces south, and gets the sun for a good portion of the day (in the summer, at least). So even though it's blue, it always looks cheerful.
All these plates were yard sale finds, and I don't think any of them cost more than $1. (And I think the white cotton dresser scarf was a quarter. There are pretty things out there if you're willing to look--and have a good supply of Oxyclean!) I love the little butter pat and now I'm sorry I didn't take a closers picture of it. (One of these days.) And the dresser jar is Avon. I tend to fill them with earrings. (Maybe I should just buy a jewelry box, huh?)
I'm quite fond of the angels plate. Aren't they sweet? Sadly, it has a little chip on the bottom, but I so liked the graphic that I'm willing to over look it. I have no idea how old the plate is, but I'm willing to bet it's nearing the century mark. It looks like a one-of-a-kind sort of thing, for I can't imagine there being a set and actually eating off something like this.
What do you think?