Tuesday, June 7, 2011

And now for something completely different

Today on the blog, I’m interviewing my long-time friend Tonya Thomas.  She’s a writer who has had some success writing about “women in complicated relationships.”  She’s pulled together five of her short stories and put them into one package, which is available on Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords (which sells all e reader formats).

What made you write the stories contained in THE EDGE AND I?
I’ve wanted to be a novelist for most of my life, but getting published isn’t exactly easy.  I hoped to “break” into the business by writing short stories.  And I did it. 

Did you personally experience any of the events in your women’s fiction stories?
Yes.  But I won’t tell which story is semi-autobiographical.  But feel free to guess.

There's a lot of hardship in these storiesMy favorite was Trapped In An Abusive Relationship.  I've known women who've been in that kind of situation.
I write about strong women who don't always make the right decisions when it comes to relationships. But in the end, they manage to pull their lives together.  My deepest hope is that someone will read my stories and be inspired to change their own lives--or the lives of someone they know to be in a desperate situation.

Where did you get the title of your newest release?
LOL--my cover designer and I came up with it.  I tossed her a bunch of picture ideas and a bunch of titles and told her to choose something, since coming up with titles isn’t my forte.  She tweaked it and voila!  The Edge And I has a lovely cover.

Tonya and I often go to yard sales together.  Will you ever write about our junking expeditions?
Hmm…I never thought about it, but I suppose I could make it a mystery story.  I’ll think about it.

Of course, I’ll want to read that story first--just to make sure you get all the details right.
Of course.

What’s next on your writing agenda?
I’m working on a fantasy saga.  Right now I see at least six stories in the series.  I hope to have the first one completed before the end of the year.

Thanks for visiting today.
Thank you for having me.

Please visit Tonya at her blog (A Touch Of Tonya) or on Facebook.  (She’s also on Twitter as @TonyaThomas1)  And you can visit her Amazon store, too.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I enjoyed your post on writing - I am a writer "seeking my way"; wrote my first short stories and submitted them to a local Arts contest. 3000 words each for 10 - 12 years old to young teens about the adventures of Chloe, a teenage girl who lives on a cove near Philadelphia and her father is a lighthouse keeper. Meets Josie, eight years old during the summer and discovers the link to Chloe's family history..

Several of my friends and I went on a tour of Lawn Art, Lawn Gnomes eat your Hearts Out here in the city,I love gnomes. My daughter and I bought 2 pink flamingos and 2 pink lawn chairs for Mothers' Day, son found a gnome at the thrift store, my favorite place...

Check out my blog at

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